Sunday, March 28, 2010

i'll help you break the walls down

10:57 pm. good evening. I know this cd came out over a month ago, but I recently found out about it which saddens me, because if I had known sooner I would have downloaded it.

The Rocket Summer: Of Men and Angels

The Rocket Summer brings back so many memories. I'm feeling a tad nostalgic. being my favorite band all through out high school, I recently drifted from Bryce's soothing voice and into a number of different genres. hearing about this cd not only made me wonder, where the hell has he been since 2007, but if the music has changed at all. the lyrics are still inspirational and beautiful as always, his voice seems more mature and smooth. he doesn't hit too many high raspy notes (screams) like he used too, he's mellowed out. the songs still make me want to dance and are just fun in general. he hasn't lost it. buy this cd, if you haven't already! it's on repeat. 

LAST NIGHT: I saw Miike Snow at Webster Hall. my expectations were high, as usual for shows, and they met them. I went to the show with my boyfriend and a suite mate. yesterday was unusually cold for spring time and we didn't know if there was a coat check, so we decided to venture out with only light cardigans on. needless to say we were getting menacing looks and the chills. when we got there we found out that not only was miike snow playing, BUT IT WAS ALSO THE 80'S PROM! glorious. 


this innocent looking band, Delorean, rocked the stage for a good half hour before hand. they reminded me of passion pit. the keyboardist was going nuts and impressed me with his awesome two step and fancy footwork. I was convinced that the lead singer of Miike Snow, Andrew Wyatt, was walking around before the show even started, checking on minor technical things. BUT after the show I not only saw who I thought was Andrew, but the REAL Andrew standing beside him. TWINZ? IMPOSTOR? I was dooped and confused. why would you hire someone who looked just like your lead singer? to throw off the fans? obvs. they stormed the stage with white masks and had an intense light show that could have given someone a seizure. standing on the balcony, I was able to see everything, including people lighting up joints and moshing. they were amazing and played a new diddy not on their original cd. so good :) I loved how they added crazy musical interludes in between songs and extended the songs by five minutes. although I was surprised they didn't play Animal for their encore, they didn't disappoint


Sunday, March 21, 2010

we still got the taste, dancing on our tongues.

4:01 pm. good afternoon. I'm pretty stoked that I am going to see these crazy d00ds on saturday:

Miike Snow

I'm expecting a pretty legit show despite it being at webster hall- sketchmo central. if I see one guido, I'll vomit. also it's pretty ironic that I made the title of this entry a song from the wild beasts, and not miike snow. gotchyaaaaaaaa! byah! 

 now if I see this, I'll totally do it

reeses PCES

Monday, March 15, 2010

under water

10:31 pm. good evening. architecture in helsinki on repeat please. I just ate marshmallow twists and drank a yoo-hoo at the same time, I might go into sugar shock. or develop a large cavity. I was supposed to do a lot of things today but somehow didn't end up doing any of them. I kept getting sidetracked by a so called movie premier in the theater. on my way to pick up my film with a class-mate, we heard that the movie Kick Ass was being premiere, so we went a snooped around. fail. my wrist hurts. i repotted Lasagna and she's looking mighty fine.

yesterday I came back to nyc from my long, relaxing spring break. my town had been hit by that huge north eastern and started to flood. luckily I got out of there before my mom got an emergency call telling everyone to evacuate. receiving a hysterical phone call from her made my heart sink. I then received multiple texts from my friends who lived in the same town as me asking me where I was going etc. sadly enough I couldn't help anyone due to the fact I was in NYC. we don't get new 12 here so I had to lurk around google to find out what was happening. I relied souley on the third handed information from my friends. apparently a dam broke two towns away from mine, and a huge wave of water was heading towards my town. then the story changed three more times. the water was just overflowing, the dam hadn't broke, despite what the reporters said. I did some investigating. the dam that "broke" had an elevation of over 700 feet... now if that broke... well... yanno.

BUT everything is fine now, so I'm relieved I'll have a house and town to go back to :D

Monday, March 8, 2010

i'd like to thank the academy.

good afternoon! it's 1:18 pm and I'm laying in my bed with the curtains and windows open. the weather has been amazing! I'd consider it to be spring time, hopefully the weather continues to stay like this :D
I've been home since thursday on break and needless to say it's super relaxing. I missed being home and sleeping in my own bed. I also missed my puppies, they're cuter than I remember. I'm seeing some of my best friends today, considering half of them are still in school. It couldn't be a more perfect day.

Beautiful weather + best friends = epicness

SO WTF CABLEVISION. screwing the entire universe over on the night of the oscars. touche. taking ABC off the air and then claiming a few hours later that they have "resolved the issue." they really need to stop pulling that shit, and taking the most popular stations with the most popular programs off for less than a week/ hours.

meeehhhhh. I should switch from cable to one of those fancy satellite things

ps. BAHHHAHHAAHAHHA @ James Cameron.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

spring time

good evening. it's 5:43 pm and I'm bored. I haven't blogged in a while and I feel as though a lot has prevented me from doing so. school has been way too chaotic at times and the projects have become more and more overwhelming. I don't feel as if I'm as prepared as others to film my final project. it'll be my first use of dialogue and sound in a movie. MOS no more. the garbage in my kitchen has been piling up and I think I'm running out of clean utensils. i've been getting in way too over my head lately. I've taken on burdens and things I didn't need to be dealing with. I haven't gone to my internship in two weeks. between the stress of these projects and working its nearly impossible to get anything done, considering friday/ the weekend is when I film/write. I have no time. I start spring break on friday. I just want to lay in my bed at home for days and stare at my ceiling.

I selected my housing for next year, should be pretty interesting.

I cannot wait for this semester to be over