Monday, March 8, 2010

i'd like to thank the academy.

good afternoon! it's 1:18 pm and I'm laying in my bed with the curtains and windows open. the weather has been amazing! I'd consider it to be spring time, hopefully the weather continues to stay like this :D
I've been home since thursday on break and needless to say it's super relaxing. I missed being home and sleeping in my own bed. I also missed my puppies, they're cuter than I remember. I'm seeing some of my best friends today, considering half of them are still in school. It couldn't be a more perfect day.

Beautiful weather + best friends = epicness

SO WTF CABLEVISION. screwing the entire universe over on the night of the oscars. touche. taking ABC off the air and then claiming a few hours later that they have "resolved the issue." they really need to stop pulling that shit, and taking the most popular stations with the most popular programs off for less than a week/ hours.

meeehhhhh. I should switch from cable to one of those fancy satellite things

ps. BAHHHAHHAAHAHHA @ James Cameron.

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